
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a climate-smart agricultural methodology.

SRI is a sustainable agricultural practice that provides ecological, social, and economic benefits to farmers, families, consumers, and businesses.

SRI follows four key principles that produce significantly greater crop yields, simultaneously minimising inputs and greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane.

SRI is a holistic approach to sustainable rice cultivation

Project Drawdown


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) promotes collaborative synergies throughout sectors.

The SRI network of government agencies, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector continues to grow in over 60 countries, with a shared goal of more efficient, equitable, and sustained development.

Effective partnerships and collaboration lie at the heart of SRI success.

"to innovate, contribute, and support the human
existence with whatever capacities we respectively have"

Dr. Abha Mishra, Agronomist

What is SRI?

The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a climate-smart agricultural methodology for cultivating rice based on four key principles that address plant, soil, and water management.

What are the main principles of SRI?

There are four key principles of SRI which guide how SRI is practiced. These are: the early establishment of healthy plants; low plant density; soil enrichment; and the sparing application of water.

What are the main practices of SRI?

The practices of SRI vary according to the needs, abilities, resources, and local conditions of each farmer. Each of the principles of SRI should be adapted to each farmer's context.

What is AWD?

Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), also known as “intermittent irrigation”  is the process of providing water intermittently to rice paddies. AWD can dramatically reduce methane emissions.

What is SRI+?

SRI+ is the term to identify types of farm management resulting from the combination of SRI practices with other farming methods based on agroecological principles.

What equipment is needed for SRI?

SRI does not require additional equipment. A handheld mechanical weeder is a cost-effective investment that can help alleviate labour requirements.

What types of rice can be used with SRI?

The methods of SRI can be applied to all varieties of rice and has been validated with both improved and indigenous varieties.

What investments are needed in SRI?

Although SRI can be implemented without the need to invest in costly resources, areas such as irrigation development or equipment availability could benefit from outside investment to support SRI uptake.

What further opportunities does SRI have?

SRI can be used in tandem with other agroecological approaches. The principles of SRI have been applied to other crops, such as wheat, finger-millet, and sugar cane. SRI's beneficial outcomes can help countries to achieve sustainable development goals, such as those called for by the UN.

What is SRI?

SRI is a climate agroecological approach to rice cultivation that improves plants’ performances while reducing inputs and greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane.

SRI is based on Four Key Principles that are adapted to the needs of farmers. Through a different management of plants, water and soil, SRI methods provide the best environment for rice crop, ultimately increasing climate resilience and farmers’ income

CO_Shuichi Sato

What are the
main principles of SRI?

Since its synthesis in the 1908s, SRI has been guided by four principles. These are to start with young healthy plants; to optimise spacing to minimise competition between plants; to build up fertile and healthy soil; and to apply only the minimum amount of water needed by the rice plants and soil organisms.  

We now need to promote a more nature-based implementation of SRI, given the current over-reliance on agrochemicals and unsustainable degradation of agricultural soils. Therefore, the fifth principle given here is provided with the aim to reduce rice cultivation’s impact on the environment , support sustainable food-systems, and align with the principles of Conservation Agriculture, as practised in India’s Zero Budget Natural Farming movement.

With this adjustment, SRI adds to its existing agro-ecological approach and the beneficial attributes of regenerative, organic, and conservation agriculture.

1. Start with young, healthy seeds or seedlings

2. Optimise spacing to minimise competition between plants

3. Build up healthy and fertile soil

4. Apply only the minimum amount of water needed

5. Think agroecologically and practice farming accordingly

What are the main practices of SRI?

The practice of SRI varies according to the needs, abilities, resources, and local conditions of each farmer. Some of the practices can initially seem counter-intuitive as they depart from commonly used practices which have been in use for centuries in rice cultivation.

It is therefore important to understand the reasons behind these practices. Understanding the 'why' behind the 'what' allows the practices to be adopted with confidence and adapted to best suit local conditions.

Rice Management Practice Conventional Practice SRI Practice Why SRI works SRI Principle
Seedling preparation, direct-seeding or transplanting
  • There is no seed selection or treatment.
  • Seedlings are much older, anywhere between 25-60 days.
  • Normally planted 3-5 per hill together plunged into soil at variable depths.
  • Start with careful seed selection. SRI can be carried out through direct seeding or transplanting.
  • Raise rice seedlings in an unflooded nursery with enriched soil and with sparse sowing of the seeds. Seed rate is reduced by 80-90% per ha.
  • Transplant young seedlings at the 2-3 leaf stage, usually 8-12 days old, usually before 15 days old, i.e., before the start of their 4th phyllochron of growth.
  • Plant the seedlings quickly after they are removed from the nursery and carefully so as to minimise trauma.
  • Plant the seedlings gently and shallow (just 1-2 cm), avoiding 'J-shape' of the root in soil. Prefer to have 'L-shape' or 'I-shape,' with the tip of the root not pointing upward.
  • The discarded seeds have limited growth potential. It is best to start with only robust seeds.
  • Sparse seeding and no flooding of the nursery encourages better growth of the seedling roots.
  • Careful transplanting minimises 'transplant shock' so that seedlings can resume their growth immediately. Transplanting quickly keeps the roots from drying out.
  • Transplanting before the 4th phyllochron conserves more of the rice plant's innate potential to grow more and larger tillers and roots.
  • High density, around 10-15cm spacing.
  • Reduce plant density (plants per m2) by planting the rice seedlings singly, only one per hill rather than 3 to 6 or more per mill. If the soil is 'poor,' planting two seedlings per hill is okay for the first season or two.
  • Plant seedlings in a square pattern, usually with spacing of 25x25 cm. The plants can be closer if the soil is 'poor,' or wider apart if the soil is very fertile, to achieve optimum density.
  • Over time as SRI practices build up soil fertility, having one plant per hill and spacing wider than 25x25 cm will make demonstrably better use of the land area.
  • Rice plants when not crowded (and flooded) can each express their genetic potential more fully.
  • Such plants will produce more tillers and larger panicles, supported by larger root systems.
  • Spacing should be optimised rather than maximised or minimised. Healthy plants quickly grow to cover the whole area.
  • Sunlight and soil nutrients are more fully harvested and utilised.
Managing soil fertility and weed control
  • Use of chemical fertilisers
  • Use of chemical pesticides
  • Provide the soil with as much organic matter as possible (compost, mulch, green manure, crop residues, biochar, etc.).
  • Weed control is best done with a mechanical weeder, manual or motorised, criss-crossing the field in perpendicular directions. This is made possible by planting the hills in a square pattern. This kind of weeding stirs up and aerates the surface layer of topsoil while it eliminates weeds.
  • Weeding should begin about 10 days after transplanting (or after the emergence of direct-seeded plants), and it should be repeated every 10-12 days until the canopy closes. This kind of weeding provides soil aeration as well as weed control.
  • Inorganic fertiliser can provide nutrients for the plants quickly but it is inefficient. Inorganic fertiliser adversely affects the soil biota and the soil structure which reduces the soil's capacity for water absorption and water retention
  • Mechanical weeding churns up the surface soil and actively aerates it. This boosts growth in the rice roots and in beneficial soil organisms
  • Mechanical weeding stimulates the growth of larger root systems, more tillers, and a larger canopy for intercepting more sunlight
  • Weeds are buried in the soil as green manure, so their nutrients are not lost
  • Larger root systems together with larger canopies put more energy (C) into soil as root exudation
  • Wider spacing makes the above-ground microclimate less hospitable for most insect pests and disease vectors
Water management and weed control
  • Continuous flooding of rice paddies.
  • Weeding tools or manual weeding.
  • Avoid continuous flooding of rice paddies. Instead, practice alternate wetting-and-drying (AWD).
  • Adjust the timing of the wetting and drying intervals according to soil type and climatic conditions (like rainfall) to provide a minimum but sufficient supply of water for the plants and for sustaining life in the soil.
  • While rice plants can survive in standing water, they are not aquatic plants and do not perform best under flooded conditions.
  • Continuous flooding suffocates the plant roots and also beneficial soil organisms that bolster plant health and growth.
  • The roots of rice plants that are flooded and given N fertiliser do not grow deeply into the soil because water and N are sufficient at the soil surface.
  • A less humid environment makes the above-ground microclimate less hospitable for most insect pests and disease vectors.
  • AWD reduces water consumption in our increasingly water-short world.
  • Aerobic soil rich in organic matter supports the proliferation of beneficial biodiversity in and around the fields.
Environmental and sustainable considerations
  • Not considered
  • To the extent possible, integrate agroecological principles and practices into the farming system, e.g., Conservation Agriculture (CA), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), agroforestry, water harvesting, etc. As feasible, modify one’s farming system to practice SRI Plus
  • Minimise reliance on agrochemical inputs, and as much as possible, end the current chemical-dependence in cultivation practices.
  • Rotate SRI rice-growing with other crops to enhance above- and below-ground biodiversity.
  • Keep the soil covered as much as possible with crop residues, cover crops, intercrops, green manures, etc.
  • Move toward no-tillage of the soil, e.g., with raised beds, to have minimum disturbance of soil systems.
  • SRI methods strengthen rice plants’ innate defence mechanisms against pests and disease, so there is less or no need for agrochemical crop protection.
  • The incidence of pests and diseases is usually reduced below the threshold at which the continued use of agrochemicals becomes uneconomic.
  • Not disturbing the soil through tillage reduces the losses of C and N from the soil system into the atmosphere.The spread of SRI practices, also to other crops, should make possible the reduction, and perhaps an end, of chemical-dependent food production, which will improve plant, soil and human health.


A variety of  agroecological principles and practices can be integrated with SRI. Conservation Agriculture (CA), Integrated Pest Management (IPM),  water harvesting, aquaculture and horticulture, organic, or biochar rice straw management are some examples. Assessing each location and farmer's context is important to creating a holistic cultivation system that is long-lasting and sustainable.

See more on SRI + here

What is AWD?

AWD, or intermittent irrigation, involves providing water to rice paddies intermittently, as opposed to the continuous flooding of conventional rice farming.

This water management system results in important water savings, a critical factor in addressing water scarcity and climate shocks.

AWD also reduces methane emissions, as the intermittently applied water keeps the soil in mostly aerobic conditions, which methanogens (methane producing organisms) cannot tolerate.

AWD also enhances plants’ performances by promoting healthier root systems. 

CO_Biksham Gujja, AgSri

What equipment
is needed for SRI?

SRI can be practiced without making any additional equipment purchases. A handheld mechanical weeder, however, is a beneficial addition that can significantly reduce the labour efforts involved. Investments in simple mechanisation can usually be returned within the first season for the farmer.

Other equipment used can include: transplanters, markers, direct seeders, land markers, amongst others. Farmers are continually innovating and adapting machinery and equipment to suit their needs. Investing in equipment, logistics, and the infrastructure necessary for both small-holders and large-scale farmers would be a major asset to increasing SRI adoption.

CO_Biksham Gujja, AgSri

What types of rice can be used with SRI?

The methods of SRI can be applied to all varieties of rice.

SRI enables rice plants to more fully express their genetic potential and has shown increased productivity in both improved and indigenous varieties.

Growing indigenous varieties using SRI practices has shown increased yields of 5-10 tons per hectare, while simultaneously lowering production costs.

Indigenous varieties are often preferred by consumers and hold greater market value, so are usually more profitable than newer varieties. SRI can be an attractive option for farmers to help preserve the genetic biodiversity of rice.


What does it cost to practice SRI?

SRI is an advantageous system because it doesn't require any new resources or equipment to implement, making it accessible to poor and resource-limited households.

SRI methods rely on enhancing existing biological processes and potentials in rice plants and soil systems, without requiring additional inputs or major upfront costs.

It can help reduce hunger, poverty, and mitigate climate change.

A soil-aerating mechanical weeder can be a cost-effective addition, and the investment can be shared among a community of farmers.

CO_Gamini Batuwitage

What are the barriers to SRI?

Many barriers that affect SRI are also barriers impacting conventional rice cultivation. Two main barriers that may restrain SRI adoption are the access and control of water, and labour supply.


Water Control

To perform alternate wetting and drying (AWD),
the water supply must be controllable.

Water Access

Participatory Irrigation Management

Investing in participatory irrigation management systems by local and national governments would increase water use efficiency and allow farmers to have greater control over irrigation of crops.

Small Scale Irrigation

Provision of small-scale irrigation, such as solar pumps, allows farmers to have more control over irrigation in regions where rainfall is unreliable and insufficient. 

Biomass Availability

Organic nutrients are important in providing minerals to support soil health and biodiversity of microorganisms in the soil. Using organic matter as green fertiliser instead of synthetic fertiliser results in healthier soils each year that supports greater yields.

Labour Supply

Learning the SRI methodology can initially increase labour demands while new methods are learnt.
SRI may also exacerbate a labour bottleneck during the transplanting phase when a larger number of workers are required in a shorter period of time.

Availability of Mechanical Tools

The availability of equipment such as mechanical weeders, transplanters, and seeders requires improvement.

Pest and Disease Control

The pests and disease that affect conventionally
flooded paddies also affect SRI paddies.

Farmer Attitudes and Psychology

A minimum knowledge and practicality of skills is required to enact SRI methods correctly.

SRI Solutions
& benefits

Construct Drainage Systems in Arid Areas

Constructing small drainage channels along the sides and across paddy fields to create raised beds between drainage channels can be an alternative to AWD where water cannot be controlled as easily.

Land Grading and Draining

Proper land grading and provision of draining can allow control in flood-prone areas.

Lower Water Requirements

SRI uses a much lower volume of water to grow greater yields than conventional management practices. Therefore, farmers with less access to water will benefit from SRI practises.  

Shorter Crop Cycles

SRI's shorter crop cycle allows for additional crops such as nitrogen-fixing legumes that enrich the soil as green fertiliser. SRI's land efficiency allows farmers to grow crops for use as organic manure.

Mechanical Tools

Using mechanical tools such as rake or roller-markers can help to alleviate labour time and requirements. 

Collective Investment in Tools

Farmers can collectively invest in equipment to share as a community, greatly reducing the cost of investment. The use of this equipment in SRI practice can have a significant impact on SRI success; this investment is recommended as
a high priority.  

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

IPM combines strategies to control pests and diseases by working with nature. It complements SRI in finding context-specific solutions for rice field health.

SRI Champions

Physical demonstrations by lead farmers or ‘SRI champions’ using farmer-to-farmer networks can persuade farmers who are unconvinced by SRI. Often, farmers are sceptical in the initial month as the seedlings are barely visible in the soil. However, reassurance from lead farmers, and the use of support materials are a simple and accessible way to educate farmers.

What investments
are needed in SRI?

Investments to enhance a community’s capabilities are required for SRI practice to reach its full potential. The following are areas that would benefit greatly from investments.

CO_Gamini Batuwitage

Irrigation Systems

Investing in irrigation management systems is an option to improve water use efficiency and a farmer's control of water. This is particularly important in areas with erratic rainfall. Irrigation systems that require farmers to pay for the fuel or volume of water used can work as an incentive to use SRI due to AWD methods being cheaper than conventional flooding practices.

This style of water management system, however, is not necessarily recommended to be introduced if it is not already in place as it may deter SRI uptake. Working with the local farmers and their community to understand and develop local participatory irrigation systems is an essential step to inclusive, equitable, and sustainable development.

Mechanical Weeders

Investment in mechanical weeders requires capacity building through combined training and financial support in the necessary tools and equipment to manufacture rotary weeders.

CO_Shuichi Sato

Improved Equipment Supply Chains

Investments to enhance equipment supplies are necessary for faster scaled adoption for medium and large-scale farmers, and for those restricted by labour constraints.

CO_Biksham Gujja, AgSri

Insurance Schemes

Farmers may be concerned about receiving lower yields due to the initially counterintuitive nature of SRI practices. Agricultural insurance could help to alleviate this initial barrier and concern.

CO_Biksham Gujja, AgSri

Biomass Investments

Access to biomass of any source needs improvement. SRI education strategies should include training on sourcing and producing local biomass options.

CO_Biksham Gujja, AgSri

Training and Extension Officers

Investments in community capacity-building in the form of well-trained extension workers and lead farmers, who can demonstrate practices and support other farmer learning, are required to upscale SRI adoption. Extension work should reach both landowners and hired workers. Farmer Field Schools have been shown to be effective in spreading awareness and understanding of SRI practices.

CO_Biksham Gujja, AgSri

Dissemination Centres

Establishment of dissemination centres facilitates the creation of sustainable SRI networks, allowing farmers to receive support from extension officers and lead farmers.

CO_Shuichi Sato

Policy Lobbying

Investing in policy activism unites public, private, and civil sectors together to adopt SRI and achieve collective benefits. There is a lot of activity currently on the ground spreading awareness of SRI. But, in order to achieve potential levels of SRI production, policy-makers need to support and promote SRI practices.

CO_Biksham Gujja, AgSri

Further Research

Further context-specific research on adaptations of SRI can help find solutions to the contextual barriers to adoption. Monitoring and evaluation of projects is the most effective way of ensuring sustainability of SRI upscaling. Research demonstrating quantified benefits of combining SRI with other agroecological methodologies can help to foster a shift towards sustainable agricultural practices.

What is SRI + ?

SRI+ is the term to identify types of farm management resulting from the combination of SRI practices with other farming methods based on agroecological principles. The synergies resulting from the integration of different agroecological methods underpin the provision of ecosystem services which in turn enhance soil, plants and human health.

Fully Organic SRI

SRI enriches soil with organic matter, reducing the need for synthetic inputs due to improved soil quality and plant resilience. Organic SRI is implemented by most rice farmers in the Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and India. Nagrak Organic SRI Center in Indonesia promotes organic SRI methods, but organic certification can be time-consuming and costly for farmers seeking premium prices.

SRI + Conservation Agriculture (CA)

SRI can be combined with different agroecological practices such as Conservation Agriculture, Integrated Pest Management, water harvesting, aquaculture, and organic farming. Choosing the right combination for each farmer's specific needs and context is crucial for creating a sustainable and effective cultivation system.

SRI and CA integration is successful in Pakistan through PQNK (Paradoxical Agriculture), combining organic SRI with permanent no-till, mulched raised beds and furrow irrigation. PQNK increased average yields to 12.84 t/ha in 2009, three times the area norm, with  70% less water application and a 30% reduction of labour.

In China, Sichuan farmers with the Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences developed a CA version of SRI where seedlings are transplanted into raised beds through thin plastic sheets to suppress weeds, while establishing a crop rotation with mustard in the off-season.A large-scale farmer implements a mechanized version of CA+SRI on its farm in Arkansas, US. He also utilizes no-till, mulched permanent raised beds and furrow irrigation, a system that helped increasing the profitability of his rice farming by reducing costs and stabilizing yields. 

SRI + Water Harvesting

PRADAN, an Indian NGO, introduced SRI methods combined with water harvesting techniques to help rainfed farmers facing persistent droughts. They implemented "the 5% solution," where farmers convert the lowest-lying 5% of their field into a catchment pond to collect rainfall during the early season.

The collected water is used for irrigation during the summer cropping season, helping to stabilize yield and contrasting water shortages. This approach is ideally suited to accompany the introduction of SRI and can also support other crops during the dry season.

SRI + Water Harvesting + Aquaculture + Horticulture

SRI farmers in Cambodia and India have developed diversified cropping systems that build upon the increased rice productivity of SRI. By setting aside 40% of their rice-growing area to construct a catchment pond and canals (15%), and leaving 25% for raising vegetables, fruits, and small livestock, farmers can generate income from multiple sources throughout the year.

This system was evaluated in India, where farmers using SRI methods with supplementary pond irrigation plus horticulture on the bund area (13% of the area) generated almost 60 times greater net income than conventional rainfed rice production methods. The costs of implementing this system were around $300, investable in increments over several years, and did not require borrowing.

SRI + Other Crops

SRI rice has been successfully rotated with other crops in different regions as it facilitate the alternation of crops by reducing the growing type of rice and by nurturing the soil.

In China, SRI rice was rotated with mushrooms in the winter. In Vietnam, SRI rice was alternated with potato-cropping in the winter.

And in Madagascar and China, potatoes were found to be a good rotational crop for SRI rice. These crop rotations allow for a no-till type of management and generate positive synergies between the crops.

SRI + Intercropping

Two of the limitations for SRI uptake are weed infestation and the labor requirements for weeding. Trials in Kashmir showed that intercropping beans with SRI rice during the first part of the season addressed these issues. This combination reduced weeds by 65% and reduced water requirements by 40%. Rice yield increased by 33% due to the nitrogen-fixing capability of the beans and farmers' net income increased by 57%. Other crops can be used for intercropping depending on the circumstances.

What further opportunities does SRI have?

SRI, combined with agroecological practices, supports the UN SDGs.

Integrating SRI with agroforestry improves yields, sequesters carbon, and provides organic matter.

China and Pakistan show success with SRI in conservation agriculture.

SRI is included in National Climate Plans for adaptation and mitigation.

It aids disaster recovery, like Indonesia post-tsunami.

Climate-smart practices are needed to combat the crisis. SRI, agroforestry, and conservation agriculture can help achieve sustainable development goals and resilient farming. Continuous development and evaluation are crucial.