Meet SRI-2030

SRI-2030 Advisory Board

SRI-2030 is an initiative of The Downforce Trust (Registered Charity Number 1187541) to rapidly expand the use of eco-friendly agricultural practices around the world, particularly the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and related methods that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance carbon sequestration to combat global warming and climate change while meeting human needs more efficiently and abundantly. The Downforce Trust was established in 2020 to accelerate action to minimise global warming and achieve the imperative transition to Net Zero emissions. By protecting our climate and soils, we protect our homeland and our futures.
SRI-2030 builds on the work of millions of farmers in over 60 countries and more than two decades of research, outreach and extension by hundreds of scientists, international and local NGOs, government personnel, private sector actors, and many other advocates. Since Father Henri de Laulanié synthesised SRI methodology in the 1980s in Madagascar, its theory has been elaborated and its practice extended through the work of SRI-Rice at Cornell University, with which SRI-2030 works closely and collaboratively.
Rice cultivation practices that provide people around the world with a delicious, secure and diverse source of nutrition; while providing farmers with a better livelihood; conserving water, soil and land; and helping with climate mitigation and adaptation.
To increase the current 6.7 million hectares under SRI cultivation to 50 million by 2030. We estimate this will reduce emissions by 8.5 billion tonnes CO2e by 2050 while the one billion tonnes of extra rice, combined with reduced inputs, will generate $1.6 trillion more for farmers by 2050. SRI will help feed the world - with less water, less climate impact and without taking any more land from nature.