The Sustainable Rice NDC Alliance

The Sustainable Rice NDC Alliance, operating with SRI-2030 as the secretariat, serves as a facilitator of knowledge exchange and collaboration amongst its member countries and organisations. These include research institutions, regional and sectoral alliances, the private sector, civil society, and donor agencies. The primary aim of the Alliance is to facilitate the upscale of sustainable rice practices, driven by country Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) commitments. Rather than acting as a funding or research body, the Alliance operates as a platform where members contribute according to their capacities, with the shared objective of meeting countries’ mitigation and adaptation NDC commitments. The Alliance is accomplishing this by providing technical support, offering policy advice, and guiding climate finance towards implementing plans that enhance the resilience of the rice food system and reduce rice-related greenhouse gas emissions. The Alliance charges no membership fee but expects active participation from members. Any sustainable rice cultivation practice with mitigation and/or adaptation potential is promoted within the Alliance.  However, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is of particular interest due to the multitude of co-benefits it offers.The Alliance’s primary goals are to support countries in implementing their existing sustainable rice commitments and to assist rice-producing countries in increasing their aspiration for their next NDC iteration.

This can be further explained in our strategic plan

NDC Alliance Strategic Plan


The Sustainable Rice NDC Alliance has a diverse membership base, including  representatives from various rice-producing countries. These member countries either already have commitments related to sustainable rice in their NDCs, or they aspire to incorporate a sustainable rice strategy in their next iteration of the NDCs. The Alliance also comprises regional and global organisation members. This broad spectrum includes NGOs, IGOs, research institutions, and representatives of the private sector. 


On the 22nd of April the Alliance will participate in a webinar on the capabilities of SRI in global development, co-hosted by the Islamic Development Bank (ISDB).

The SRI-NDC Alliance recently released its spring seasonal update, the English version of which can be found below.
We will also hold a stocktake meeting in the Spring of 2024 will help assessing progress and planning future strategies.